Livewired: A Resource for Understanding Neuroplasticity

The book Livewired, by David Eagleman, is based on the newest scientific discoveries about neuroplasticity, and further debunks earlier research that our brains are static.  A gifted storyteller, David shows us, through countless examples, that the brain is constantly adapting, recreating and reconfiguring itself to better understand the world we live in and bring this … Read more

Sleep and Sleep Hygiene: A Key to Mental Health

Featured Image for Sleep and Sleep Hygiene article, with an image of a cat sleeping on a bed

The John Hopkins article, The Science of Sleep, says that “a healthy amount of sleep is vital for “brain plasticity,” or the brain’s ability to adapt to input. If we sleep too little, we become unable to process what we’ve learned during the day and we have more trouble remembering it in the future. Researchers … Read more

How Full is Your Bucket?

The analogy of a bucket as a barometer of nervous system activation has been resonating with many clients lately. I primarily work with clients who are dealing with symptoms related to stress and anxiety who describe being overwhelmed by thoughts and emotions.  They know that meditation, mindfulness, yoga, tai chi, exercise and other practices can … Read more

Neuroplasticity: Our Ever Changing Brain

Featured image of a plasma ball with the textNeuroplasticity our ever changing brain

I talk with clients all the time about neuroplasticity and realized that I haven’t explicitly written about it in my newsletters. So, this month is devoted to this constantly evolving concept and field. What is Neuroplasticity? Pedro Mateos-Aparicio and Rodriguez-Marino define Neuroplasticity as “the ability of neural networks in the brain to change through growth and reorganization. It is … Read more