Interview on the Small But Mighty Podcast

Small but mighty podcast episode 22 Chris Peacock Neurofeedback

I had a great time chatting with Karen Wilson the other day on her Small But Mighty podcast. We talked about how people can cope more easily with everyday challenges with the help of Neurofeedback. You can listen to the episode or read the transcript on her website.

The Four A’s of Stress Management

As Covid restrictions have eased this summer, adjusting to larger gatherings and more people being out and about has been stressful for some.  I’m also hearing a lot of apprehension about what the Delta variant may look like for Ontario in the coming weeks. In the past I’ve written about breathing, yoga, tapping, mindfulness, exercise, … Read more

Body-Brain Connection: The Polyvagal Theory

There is an intimate connection between the body and the brain. Dr. Stephen Porges, the originator of the Polyvagal Theory, identified a biological order of human response that is active in all human experience. Deb Dana, has brought the Polyvagal Theory to the world in a user-friendly format. I’ve written a few times about the … Read more