Don’t Overlook These 3 Features of ADHD

ADHD Overlooked Features

Great article alert! Dr. William Dobson explains the three defining features of ADHD 1. an interest-based nervous system 2. emotional hyperarousal 3. rejection sensitivity NeurOptimal® can help to calm emotional hyperarousal and reduce sensitivity. It helps children and adults become more resilient in their response to stress and more flexible in their ability to move … Read more

Interview with Sophia Jacob

Thank you so much to Sophia Jacob for interviewing me about NeurOptimal® neurofeedback sessions and how they can help people. Check out the interview below. We've got Chris Peacock of2Beinflow Neurofeedback on the Live today! We're chatting about her practice and her 35 years of service in the healthcare community and tons more!!….What is Neurofeedback? … Read more

NeurOptimal® Founder Interview

NeurOptimal® founder Valdeane Brown is interviewed by Dave Asprey, CEO of The Bulletproof Executive This episode is all about the most effective biohack I’ve experienced yet – NeurOptimal® brain training. Dr. Valdeane Brown, Founder of NeurOptimal, joined me on the show to share how this technology takes your performance to uncharted levels! The NeurOptimal brain … Read more