Hi there,

Chris’s Corner

Spring 2023 has arrived! After 3 long pandemic years, this spring feels different. With no restrictions in place, inside events back in full swing and most people feeling much more comfortable going out, it feels like there's a lighter step in our gait. Even though there's still lots of snow, I'm hearing from some friends and colleagues that they are seeing hints of green in their gardens, daylight hours are longer, the sun is out more often and we can feel its warmth more deeply. I hope that you're getting outside and enjoying the spring air and that you'll be able to put your winter boots away soon!
This month's newsletter provides a summary of David Eagleman's latest book, called Livewired. I've referred to his book in another newsletter on neuroplasticity and I wanted to delve into it more deeply with his book.

Livewired: A Resource for Understanding Neuroplasticity

Livewired: A Resource for Understanding Neuroplasticity
The book Livewired, by David Eagleman, based on the newest scientific discoveries, continues to debunk the earlier notion that our brains are static. He shows us, through countless examples, that the brain is constantly adapting, recreating and reconfiguring itself to better understand the world we live in. David is a gifted storyteller and he interweaves many stories to bring this …

Quote of the month

Quote of the month
“The difference between predictions and outcomes is the key to understanding a strange property of learning: if you’re predicting perfectly, your brain doesn’t need to change further… Changes in the brain happen only when there’s a difference between what was expected and what actually happens.”
David Eagleman

Thanks for reading. See you soon!

Chris Peacock