NeurOptimal® Neurofeedback and Anxiety and Stress Management
Anyone who experiences health concerns where anxiety is part of the puzzle can benefit from NeurOptimal®. Anxiety means that the central nervous system is working overtime which often leads to people experiencing exaggerated worry, expecting the worst, irritation or nervous energy, fatigue and sleep and/or concentration issues.
Many people today have a central nervous system (CNS) that is in the “fight, flight or freeze” response setting – even when there may be nothing specific going externally to cause this. Through NeurOptimal® training, the brain learns each time the CNS is in this state and the CNS then calms or resets because during the session there isn’t anything happening to cause that state. Over time, the overall level of alertness in the CNS decreases.
A study of 214 clients who rated either moderate or severe anxiety on the Beck Anxiety Index reported statistically significant decreases in their BAI scores after 8 sessions of NeurOptimal®.
Benefits 2Beinflow NeurOptimal® Users Have Reported
While day-to-day life improvements are very individual, here are some of the changes that people who have done NeurOptimal® training sessions tell us are happening in their lives.
- “I don’t think I feel anxious anymore” – no more panic attacks, can move to problem-solving issues instead of getting stuck in rumination, doesn’t have the “head chatter” anymore
- Taking less time to fall asleep, waking up feeling more refreshed and not as tired after daily activities
- More things on the to-do list are getting done
- Has a feeling of "I can handle it" more often rather than getting stuck in overwhelm
- Doesn't get as frustrated about things that happen during the day and the frustration doesn’t last as long (for example - upset for 15 – 20 minutes instead of an hour or overnight)
- Now able to use breathing to help lower stress or frustration
- Able to walk away from situations that s/he would have reacted to before
- Not raising her/his voice as often
- Not taking things as personally
- Feels more relaxed about food intolerances - able to focus on what s/he can eat rather than on what s/he can’t eat
- Is more relaxed about going to appointments that used to make her/him anxious
- More able to tolerate being on the bus or in a shopping mall
- More able to compromise when there’s a change in plans
- Feels happy more often
- Thoughts are clearer
- Not making as many mistakes at work
- Able to focus and concentrate better and is more productive
- Sensitivity to light and noise has decreased
- Intensity of ringing in the ears has decreased
- Heart palpitations have gone away
- Joints and muscles aren't as stiff and painful
- Sense of humour is coming out more
- Generally coping better when stressful situations arise
- Was able to give up cannabis and reduce the number of cigarettes/day