How can NeurOptimal® help with Post-Traumatic Stress Syndrome (PTSD)?
Clients who have PTSD report that, after a series of sessions, their sleep, focus, memory and mood improve and that anxiety, reactivity, and hyper-vigilance symptoms decrease.
What is PTSD?
PTSD is a mental illness or mental health condition, involving exposure to trauma that included death or the threat of death, serious injury, or sexual violence. Symptoms may include flashbacks, nightmares and severe anxiety, problems sleeping as well as repeated, uncontrollable thoughts about the event. People can feel nervous and irritable or “on edge” much of the time, they can startle easily, have difficulty concentrating and may have problems sleeping. They can often feel like something horrible is going to happen, even when they are in a safe environment.
How can NeurOptimal® help?
With PTSD, the part of the brain responsible for survival instincts and emotional response (the amygdala) takes over and the nervous system gets stuck in the fight, flight, freeze response. When the amygdala is running the show, it becomes very difficult to access the frontal cortex of the brain, or thinking brain, responsible for things like problem-solving, memory, language and impulse control. With NeurOptimal® sessions, this stuck pattern continually gets interrupted, and, over time, the amygdala and nervous system gradually calm. As that happens, sleep tends to improve and reactivity and hyper-vigilance decrease. People are then able to access the thinking brain more easily and problem solving, memory and impulse control abilities improve.
If you would like to learn more about how NeurOptimal® and how it may assist you, book a consultation