How can NeurOptimal® help with chronic pain?
Clients who deal with chronic pain report that their sleep and mood improves, that they are able to do more activities in a day and that overall, NeurOptimal® has helped them to cope with their pain in a new way.
What happens with chronic pain?
Pain is defined as chronic or persistent when it continues for a long period of time, with definitions duration varying from more than 12 weeks to a year. In the body, pain signals are processed initially in the spinal cord and then in the brain. When pain becomes chronic, one way of describing it is that the pain signal to the brain becomes stuck in a perpetual loop, even when the initial cause of the pain is no longer there. In the brain, the pain signals can also, over time, make connections with centres associated with anxiety, emotions, sleep, appetite and memory. Hence, each person's experience of pain can vary tremendously.
How can NeurOptimal® help?
When the pain signal gets stuck the central nervous system (CNS) becomes more sensitive or over-aroused and can get stuck in the fight, fight, freeze response. With NeurOptimal®, the brain learns each time the CNS is in or going into this state and the CNS begins to calm or reset. Another way of describing this is that the pain signal is interrupted again and again and over time that signal decreases and the CNS becomes less stuck. As that happens, pain tends to decrease and/or the client's response to pain begins to change. Clients no longer feel that “the pain is me” but rather “I’m in pain” and what can I do to help manage the pain? They are then much more able to access and use tools like breathing, mindfulness or meditation to manage the pain when it arises. They feel less anxious, and their mood, sleep and memory tend to improve.
If you would like to learn more about how NeurOptimal® and how it may assist you, book a consultation