How Full is Your Bucket?

The analogy of a bucket as a barometer of nervous system activation has been resonating with many clients lately. I primarily work with clients who are dealing with symptoms related to stress and anxiety who describe being overwhelmed by thoughts and emotions.  They know that meditation, mindfulness, yoga, tai chi, exercise and other practices can … Read more

The Four A’s of Stress Management

As Covid restrictions have eased this summer, adjusting to larger gatherings and more people being out and about has been stressful for some.  I’m also hearing a lot of apprehension about what the Delta variant may look like for Ontario in the coming weeks. In the past I’ve written about breathing, yoga, tapping, mindfulness, exercise, … Read more

The Impact of Chronic Stress

Signs of Stress

We are now nearly eight months into the response to COVID-19.  Dr. Vera Etches, Medical Officer of Health, told Ottawa City Council in June that a recent EKOS Research Survey found that 38% of Ottawa residents said their mental health was fair or poor, compared to 9% reporting the same in 2017.  As we continue … Read more